Learn How To Negotiate ISDA Master Agreements UK Negotiations Brokerage ...

https://derivativeslab.co.uk/ - The ISDA Lab™ is the first online course of its kind that not only teaches you all you need to know about an ISDA® Master Agreement, but gives you all the information you need to negotiate it like a pro!

Enrolment for the ISDA Lab will be opening soon with a limited number of seats available for the VIP study. Go ahead and join the waitlist and I will notify you when the ISDA Lab opens!

#ISDA #Master #Agreement #Trading #Agreements #Negotiations #UK #Prime #Brokerage #Agreements #Legal #Consultancy #DLAB

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Prefer to communicate via email? No problem - you can reach me here 📧hello@derivativeslab.co.uk

For good order, please be advised that ISDA® is a registered trademark of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. DLAB materials are neither sponsored by nor affiliated with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. and are intended as an information resource only


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